Sabado, Enero 12, 2013


             New Year has always seemed to me a beginning of a new cycle, or a new path of self-development, but I never write detailed resolutions, having only abstract understanding of my plans for future. But this year will end with a following resolution.       
              First of all, I would like to become more assertive and self-confident. I need thus some more courage in my daily affairs. In addition, I need some courage to esteem my faults and failures and put them on the path of improvement: it seems like I'm becoming dependent upon the opinions of my surrounding (friends, relatives and classmates), so I would like to manage some situations on my own, without relying upon the others' advice or imposition. I want to become more independent in my attitudes and viewpoints and to get the ability to separate my judgments from those of others. Then, I would like to become more honest with myself. Sometimes I seem too benevolent and justify inappropriate behaviors of my friends, yet there couldn't be any justification. I also use this technique to justify my own mistakes, yet I should simply accept myself as a human being who has an inclination to making mistakes, because this is the most trustworthy way of gaining experience and knowledge. 
              I will try my best  to do this resolutions this 2013. I want to change and i want to improve what I am right now.The best thing to do is to be good to everyone. New year , new Angela Ilaga ! Happy 2013 !

Huwebes, Enero 3, 2013


                     The 25th of  December, the commemoration day of the birth of our "Savior Jesus Christ" is a public holiday and the midnight of the 24th of December cathedrals, churches and a little chapels all over the island Christian attend "Midnight Mass" to celebrate in union with their fellow men.
                     Every year we celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ, a very special occasion that happened. Our relatives in far away place to go home to be with their families. Christmas is about love to be shared, and care to be shown. Christmas is about gift-giving, a time to share of what we have. Christmas is about togetherness, to spent our time with families, with relatives, with friends, just to relax. Christmas is also the time to forgive and forget. To say sorry to your enemies. Christmas day is the best day to change our bad attitudes. For happiness, we went house to house and sing carols. This is always what we do during the Christmas season.
                    The true essence of Christmas is spiritual love. The Holy Father sent His son out of love, and His son preached about pure love. On how we celebrate it with all our hearts.

Sabado, Disyembre 1, 2012


                     Gender equality and women’s empowerment is fundamental to the global mission of the United Nations to achieve equal rights and dignity for all. But equality for women and girls is also an economic and social imperative. Until women and girls are liberated from poverty and injustice, all our goals, peace, security, sustainable development stands in jeopardy.
                      Ever thought about a situation where your gender ruled what would happen to you? In these days, gender is not so much of a problem. However, gender discrimination was a huge deal not too long ago. Women didn't exactly have all the rights that they do now, they lived in harsh times, governments never thought twice about their opinion, and were looked down upon. However, many women have taken a stand against this, and have changed the way women are viewed upon. This time men and women are now equal in rights. Everything is equal, the best example is work. What a man can do, a woman can do it also. Like our country, our president. This is the best example of equality. I can say that, women are not weak, they can also do what a man can do. Women have the opportunity to prove herself that they are brave to face the challenges.
                          Discrimination is one of the problems of women. But this time, everything is equal. We have the equal rights, and equal opportunity to prove that there is no discrimination in our country.

Lunes, Nobyembre 19, 2012


              Climate change is a significant and lasting change in the statistical distribution of weather patterns over periods ranging from decades to millions of years. It may be a change in average conditions, or in the distribution of weather around the average conditions.
             Climate change is a rising issue of importance in our day and age, and the one that is threatening our global society on many levels. In the past few decades, scientists have discovered that our planets climate has been changing at air alarming rate. The way in which we have changed the land to accommodate ourselves is evident in many areas and production, all of these changes heat air effect on the planet. These changes are now threatening the preservation of our planet. Evidence of climate change and global warming are rapidly increasing, but our western nations` dependency on the economy and influences of capitalism are not only making these issues worse, but almost completely the need for a solution to climate change. It is increasingly apparent that our dependency on the economy and the want of profit is,considered for more important then the current state and preservation of planet that we inhabit.
                The causes and effects of climate change has made up of people. People has the biggest responsibilities to take good care of our environment.

Sabado, Oktubre 6, 2012


                         Whenever a day passed, I encountered many kinds of experiences. Experiences that can intact on our mind and very hard to forget. Whenever you think of it or you day dreamed of it in one place, you make you laugh of it. we can call this as an experiences.
                         This grading period, for being a high school student, many experiences have been made with my classmates, friends, and teachers. In school we encountered some trouble because of of some misunderstanding. In our class in ICT IV, I learned a lot. They taught us how to use and what is the use of HTML. They also taught us how to make the basic HTML. We also do this as an exercise activity. For me, this is very interesting subject because i learned more and discovered about computer. They also taught about attributes on how to put some a background to a work. Of course this as very nice because when you see this you will be able to attract. During discussion , we also have some jokes to make our class lively and to attrack us to listen in our class.
                         Moving on, I will  make my mistakes to serves as a challenge in my life. I will also do everything to correct it.

Sabado, Setyembre 22, 2012


               Sustainable energy means energy sources that will allow the earth to sustain balance, healthy ecosystem and human life. Sustainable energy that can be produce without using resources that are not be able to renewed.
              The source of sustainable energy are solar energy, wind energy, geothermal energy and nuclear energy. the energy source like solar energy present in  abundance. It is the only natural resources which has no constraints in terms of availability, cost and ease use. Solar energy is an inexhaustible energy source which never seems to end. However, the wind pressure is limited to coastal regions so as the tidal power. Wind power is an environment friendly way of generating electricity. Sustainable energy source are also known as a green energy and alternative source of energy because of its environment attitude. Therefore all those energy sources which can be used again and again without the fear of being diminished are parts of sustainable energy. Nuclear energy is a really efficient source of sustainable energy.
                The energy source like solar energy and wind power are present in abundance but it is important to conserve them in order to utilize them. Otherwise this abundant energy would go all in vein. It is also important here to note that the electricity generated by using wind power and solar power need to be conserved and preserved.

Sabado, Setyembre 15, 2012


                     Sacrificing, one word to describe a teacher. Teacher to the second parents. The one who teaches us, with the right one and to correct our mistakes. A teacher, a hero?
                     Professions like, nurses, doctors, pilots, engineers, and many more. Without teachers, do we have this kind of professions? Teacher has the the biggest role to commit our dreams in life. They are one who gives us knowledge, to teach us, and to correct our mistakes. For me, a teacher is a hero. Why? Because for me, they are one of a kind. They are sacrificing, just to teach us. Even they are tired already, they are trying their best to teach their lessons. In school, they are our parents. Even sometimes, they are scolding us, I think this is the only way to correct our mistakes and they want us to be a good student nor person. I can say that, a teacher is a hero because they do not have the power, but they can do their task with tier own way.
                      My teacher, my hero. A teacher is always there to teach us, to guide us, and to correct our mistakes. They are my hero.